I’ve been working on this eagle in between courses for the school and other projects. This is the second version of the painting – in the first, the background didn’t turn out quite right, and I started over.

First, masking fluid was applied around the edge of the eagle.
The background was created with 8 thin layers of color, allowing drying time between each layer. It took 2 days, allowing for drying time!
- Winsor Lemon, wet on dry
- Burnt Sienna, wet in wet
- Sepia, wet in wet, around the edges and in corners
- Indigo, wet in wet, around edges and in corners
- Burnt Umber, wet in wet over the entire background
- Alizarin, wet in wet, everywhere (I love Alizarin)
- Brown Madder, wet on dry, everywhere
- Burnt Umber again, wet on dry
I’ll provide more detail in the next post. The painting is based on a photo from Birgit Meyer. I’m creating this as part of a Facebook challenge, and it needs to be finished by September 30! Oh boy!

Looks amazing
Thanks Melissa! The background took forever!